Basic Usage

This page describes the basics of creating and running bots. Refer to this page for further details on each of the available Steps.

Creating a Bot

SeleniumYAML expects each automation guideline to be provided in a particular schema. Each YAML file is treated as an independent bot, and can be passed to the run_sally script to be executed.

The base YAML Schema looks like this:

title: Bot Title
    List of steps

Each bot should ideally have a unique title (although this is only required if you're chaining bots together using the run_bot step), and a list of steps.

Step Schema

Each step defined in the steps array of a Bot file must have a title and action field, and look similar to the following:

title: Step Title
action: Step Identifier
... other fields specific to the step identified by the action

The title for each step in the steps array must be unique within that bot. This is due to the fact that each step can have it's own namespace within the performance_context (defined here).

Connecting the dots

With the Bot Schema and the Step Schema combined, we can now come up with the basic schema for a bot that performs two steps.

title: Bot Title
  - title: Step 1 Title
    action: Step Identifier
    ... other fields specific to the step
  - title: Step 2 Title
    action: Another Step Identifier
    ... other fields specific to the step

Running a Bot

Bots defined in YAML Files can be run by passing them to the run_sally script. The following command would run the bot specified in the bot.yaml file:

run_sally --yaml-file=bot.yaml

Use the --help flag to get details on other available parameters.

For examples, refer to the bots in our Github repository.